Terms and Conditions

Tax Registration No.125819
Promenade 56 B, 7270 Davos Platz, Davos, Switzerland
E-mail: mainoffice@wcfaglobal.com
Tel: +359 888 50 31 13

I. Definitions

  1. These Regulations govern the conditions of use of the www.wcfa.ch website and services offered by the WCFA, as well as the rights and obligations of the registered users of www.wcfa.ch as part of their user accounts.
  2. The owner of the website and the entity providing services indicated in the Regulations is the WCFA.
  3. Whenever these Regulations refer to:
    1. WCFA: it shall be understood as the company operating under the business name of Story Design Sp. z o.o. with its registered office at ul. Hoża 59/28A, 00-681 Warsaw, Poland, the electronic addresses of which are indicated on the www.wcfa.ch website, i.e. the entity providing services in accordance with provisions hereof.
    2. Website User: it shall mean an entity using the Website independently of the mode (payable/gratuitous) and making orders (an entity that ordered or intends to order a service).
    3. Final User: it shall mean an entity using the final instance of the Website, which is managed by the registered Website User as part of the User Account they opened. The Final User is bound with these Regulations. The Final Users of the Website may only be legal persons or organisational entities other than legal persons, to which the law granted legal personality.
    4. Website: it shall be understood as a website of the WCFA operating at the address www.wcfa.ch, presenting all necessary information on the services it offers.
    5. Registration: it shall be understood as a one-off action consisting in opening of an application by the User through the use of a registration form published by WCFA on one of the Website’s pages.
    6. Price List: it shall mean the offer presenting a comparison between the possibilities and prices of the Website members. Available at www.wcfa.ch.
    7. “PayPal” or “Braintree”: means PayPal (Europe) S.à r. l. et Cie, S.C.A., a limited liability partnership registered as number R.C.S. Luxembourg B 118 349 having a registered office at 22-24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449, Luxembourg.

II. General Provisions

  1. Approval of the Regulations by the User
    1. The User is bound to approve the contents hereof before using the Website. Such acceptance constitutes a declaration that the aforementioned person has read, understood and fully accepted the Regulations and that they agree to observe it. These Regulations also include a Privacy Policy.
    2. WCFA reserves the right to modify the provisions of the Regulations. Possible amendments enter into force on the day of the Website approval by the User (i.e. when the User accepts the new contents). WCFA shall notify the Users of the Regulations’ modifications by publishing such information on the Website.

III. Applying Memberships on the Website and Principles of Using the Website

  1. Registration of the User on the Website takes place through completion of a registration form published on one of the Website’s pages. Completing the form will require disclosure of full data by the User, i.e. User’s e-mail address, and, in the event of legal persons or organisational entities other than legal persons, to which the law granted legal personality — the company name.
  2. Transactional data, including personal data, may be transferred to PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A., (R.C.S. Luxembourg B 118 349) (“PayPal”), in the scope necessary to service payments for the order.

IV. Fees

  1. The use of services provided by WCFA as part of the website is against payment.
  2. The payment for services provided by WCFA may be carried out by means of a payment card (debit, credit or charge card).
  3. The payments are serviced by PayPal (Europe) S.à r. l. et Cie, S.C.A., a limited liability partnership registered as number R.C.S. Luxembourg B 118 349 having a registered office at 22-24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449, Luxembourg.

V. Termination and Refund Policy

  1. ​In the event if the Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period of time with a Final User, each Party shall have the right to terminate it without giving reasons upon one month’s notice.
  2. The Agreement shall be terminated via e-mail, otherwise being null and void. The notice shall be sent to the following address: membership@wcfa.ch
  3. In the event of an effective exercise of the right to withdraw from the Agreement, the paid amount shall be reimbursed via the same channel through which the payment for the service was made.
  4. Complaints for the improperly performed service shall be filed via e-mail to the address: membership@wcfa.ch
  5. The maximum period for complaint examination shall be of 30 days. Moreover, in order to file a complaint the following information shall be disclosed: Name of the Customer (Name, Surname / Name of the Company), e-mail (or contact data) and description of the problem. Otherwise the complaints shall not be examined.
  6. ​The Organizer shall not be liable for not conducting or wrongly conducting the agreement up to the amount of one time fee payed by the User.
  7. The Organizer shall not be liable to the Users for any failure to fulfill obligations caused by circumstances outside our reasonable control.