Legal Statute

Tax Registration No.125819
Promenade 56 B, 7270 Davos Platz, Davos, Switzerland
Tel: +359 888 50 31 13

Statute of World Communications Forum Association

1. Registration

Article 1
World Communications Forum Association, registered in Davos, Switzerland is a nonprofit association governed by the present statutes and, secondly, by Articles 60 et seq. of the Swiss Civil Code. It is neutral politically and nondenominational.

Article 2
World Communications Forum Association Headquarters are in Promenade 56B, 7270 Davos Platz, Davos, Switzerland. The Association shall be of unlimited duration.

2. Aims

Article 3
The Association shall pursue the following aims:
• To form a cross-border and cross-cultural community of professionals in the public communications field and increase its influence on global development via global agenda focused on all types of public communications, media and public relations, social media, branding, and visual communications.
• Proceeding from the idea of public communication as a key factor in the development of humanity, intensify the research of future specifics: new behavior models, educational models, recognition, and influence.
• Development of the community of young professionals, by financing cross-national internships for students from communication schools when possible.
• Supporting the annual World Communication Forum in Davos Summit and also WCFA conferences, forums, and other global, regional, and national events, as a platform for discussion of the global communications agenda and the influence different channels have on the development of the society, business, and the communications industry.
• Organizing regular online global, regional, and national forums and discussions on a variety of topics in the field of public communications.

3. Resources

Article 4
The Association's resources are derived from:
• donations
• sponsorship
• membership fees
• World Communication Forum and all other events participation fees
• any other resources authorized and not restricted by the law

The funds shall be used in accordance with the Association's social and development aims.

4. Members

Article 5
Any individual or legal person may become a member if they are committed to the aims and Statute of the Association and properly pay their membership fees.

Members of The Association might be:
• Corporate Members
• Individual Members
• Institutional/ University Members
• Student Members

Student Members participate in all gatherings and events, also in the General Membership Meetings, but do not have the right to vote.

Requests to become a member must be addressed to the Executive Committee.
Executive Committee admits new members and informs the General Assembly accordingly at each Annual Membership Meeting.
Members can be only companies, individuals, or students who properly have paid membership fees.

Members have the following rights:

• to participate at the General Assemblies/ Annual Membership Meetings
• to vote for all decisions of the various meetings (except the student members)
• to be elected as members of the Executive Committee
• to be elected as members of the Global Advisory Board
• to have reduced participation fee for all WCFA global, regional and national events
• using the Association’s logo in their business letters, cards, and all other documents, related with their non-commercial and connected with WCFA activities
• anytime to present their ideas for activities to the Executive Committee and activities to support their implementation
• to ask for relevant information, concerning the activities and statute of the Association anytime the Head Office of WCFA
• to represent WCFA in their countries or region when it is needed after the explicit authorization by the President of WCFA

New members join the Association after the approval of the Executive Committee and pay membership no later than 5 working days after they are approved.
The membership is valid one year after the payment.

Membership ceases:
• on the death of natural persons or dissolution of legal persons
• by written resignation thereby notifying the Executive Committee at least one month before the date they would like to leave the Association.
• for non-payment of dues 30 days after the invoice was sent for payment.
• breaching the principles of globally accepted ethical practice as outlined in the professional codes of conduct of national public relations and communications associations

In all cases, the membership fee for the current year remains due. No membership fee or any other funds are reimbursed in case of membership ceases.

Members who have resigned or who are excluded have no rights to any part of the Association’s assets. Only the Association's assets may be used for obligations/commitments contracted in its name.

5. Management

Article 6
The Association shall include the following bodies:
a) General Assembly
b) President
c) Executive Committee
d) Global Advisory Board
e) Controller

6. General Assembly

Article 7
The General Assembly is the Association's supreme authority. It is composed only of all the members, who paid accordingly their membership fees and have voting right. Members who cannot be present can delegate their vote to another full member only with written authorization. A full present member can represent not more than 3 (three) non-present at the Assembly members only carrying or sending a written proxy voting document from each of the represented members.
Corporate members must be represented by a member or members of the management body of the company. The rule is that one member has one vote.

The General Assembly shall be held in a yearly ordinary meeting. Extraordinary meetings can be held whenever necessary, at the request of the Executive Committee, 50 percent of the Global Advisory Board, or at least one-third of all members of the Association.

The General Assembly can be held via physical meeting or via an online real-time platform.

In the case of a physical meeting, the General Assembly shall be considered valid and with quorum regardless of the number of members present.

In case of using an online platform for the General Assembly and there is no quorum of more than 50 percent of the members, the General Assembly will be stopped for 30 minutes and then will start again with the present members will be considered as a quorum.

In case of a physical meeting, the Executive Committee shall inform the members in writing via email of the date of the General Assembly at least 30 days in advance. The notification, including the proposed agenda, shall be sent to each member at least 7 days prior to the date of the meeting.

In case of using an online real-time platform, the Executive Committee must inform the members via email about the proposed resolutions and documents at least 10 days before the meeting and give a deadline of at least 5 calendar days after the invitation was sent to reply whether they can join the online meeting in person or will be represented by another WCFA full member. An authorization proxy in writing will be needed if the vote is delegated to another member.

If the information of the members happens via email, such information is considered to be received if the invitation or any other message has been sent to the email address announced by the members to the Association during the registration and fees payment procedures.

Each member is obliged to announce to the WCFA Management or Head office in case of change of his mailing or emails address within 10 days after the change occurs.

Article 8
The General Assembly:
a) takes note of the admission of members and decides appeals against exclusions of members ordered by the Executive Committee
b) elects members of the Executive Committee of the Association
c) elects President of the Association
d) elects members of the Global Advisory Board
e) appoints Controller of the Association’s
f) notes and discuss and approves the Report of the President and the Report of the Controller. and the financial statements for the period between two General Assemblies.
g) decides and approves any modification and changes of WCFA Statute
h) decides on the dissolution of the Association
i) decides the membership fees on an annual base

Article 9
The General Assembly is presided by the President of the Association.

Article 10
In the case of physical meetings, decisions of the General Assembly are taken by a majority vote of 50% of the members present. Non-present members can delegate their voting rights via written power of attorney to another member present. In case of deadlock, the President shall have the casting vote.

In the case of using online platforms, decisions of the General Assembly are taken by a majority of 50% of the present members of the Association.

Decisions concerning the amendment of the Statutes and the dissolution of the Association must be approved by a two-thirds majority of the members present.

Article 11
In the case of physical meetings, votes are by a show of hands. Voting can also take place by secret ballot if at least 30% of the members request it.

Article 12
The agenda of the ordinary annual session of the General Assembly may include:
• approval of the Minutes of the previous General Assembly
• the President’s Annual Activity Report
• the report of the Controller
• the setting of membership fees for the next year
• approval of the budget and expenses
• approval of reports and accounts
• election of President
• election of Executive Committee members
• election of Global Advisory Board members
• election of Controller
• any other topics related to WCFA business

Article 13
If the General Assembly meeting is provided by an online real-time platform, the meeting must be recorded and kept in the archive of the association.

7. The President

Article 14
The President is elected by the General Assembly with three years mandate. A maximum of two mandates are possible unless the General Assembly decides differently.

Article 15
The President represents the Association in front of all the third parties, including all authorities, governments, and financial institutions.

Article 16
Having in mind that Association members are located in different countries, The President represents The Association solely, signs all documents, legal and accounting, opens and closes bank accounts and payments.

Article 17

The President reports to the Executive Committee when needed and seeks also approval or online recorder approval for the important activities and expenses higher than 10 000 (ten thousand) Euro.

8. Executive Committee

Article 18
The Executive Committee is authorized to carry out all acts that further the purposes of the Association.
Only members who paid their membership fees and do not have any outstanding bills to WCFA might be elected to the Executive Committee.

Article 19
The Executive Committee is composed of at least three members, all elected by the General Assembly with a single majority of the present members. Each member's term of office shall last for three years and could be renewable unless the General Assembly decides differently.

The Executive Committee may establish Sub Committees to deal with certain tasks on regional, national, or topic-related issues. Members of the Sub Committees do not have to belong to the Executive Committee or Global Advisory Board. The Sub Committees report to the Executive Committee and have no executive power.

Article 20
The Executive Committee meets as often as the Association's business requires, but at least once in three months or at least four times a year. Executive Committee meetings can be held via any online real-time platform.

Executive Committee decisions shall be considered valid if at least 50% plus one of the members are present and are taken by a single majority vote of the members present. Non-present members of the Executive Committee cannot delegate their voting rights. In case of deadlock, the President shall have the casting vote.

Article 21
The Executive Committee members work on a volunteer basis and as such can only be reimbursed for their actual expenses and travel costs. For activities beyond the usual function, each Executive Committee member is eligible for appropriate compensation. Both cases’ remunerations must be voted by a single majority of the Executive Committee and approved in writing by the President.

Article 22
The functions of the Executive Committee are:
• to take appropriate measures to achieve the goals of the Association
• to appoint the Executive Secretary
• to decide about outsourcing certain activities to third-party providers and to supervise the activities of the respective third-party providers
• to organize the ordinary and extraordinary General Assemblies
• to make decisions with regard to the admission of new members as well as the resignation and possible expulsion of members
• to ensure that Statutes are applied, to draft rules of procedure, and to administer the assets of the Association.

9. Global Advisory Board

Article 23
The Global Advisory Board is the highest advisory body of the World Communications Forum Association.
At least 4 continents and at least 10 countries must be represented in the WCFA Global Advisory Board
Only members who paid their membership fees and do not have any outstanding bills to WCFA might be elected to the Global Advisory Board.

Article 24

Global Advisory Board Committee is composed of at least 11 members, all elected by the General Assembly with a single majority of the present members. Each member's term of office shall last for two years and could be renewable unless the General Assembly decides differently.

Article 25
The Global Advisory Board meets as often as the Association's needs require, but at least two times a year. The Global Advisory Board meetings can be held via an online real-time platform.

The Global Advisory Board does not have any executive functions. Regular meetings of The Global Advisory Board are initiated organized and presided by the WCFA President.

Article 26
The Global Advisory Board members work only on a voluntary basis.

Article 27
The functions of The Global Advisory Board are:
• to meet two times a year.
• extraordinary meetings are possibly requested by at least three members of The Global Advisory Board
• to discuss and generate ideas and supper the main goals, events, and activities of WCFA.
• to propose events and any other activities aiming to develop WCFA further, to increase its membership base, brand awareness, and strength.

10. The Controller

Article 28
The Controllers’ terms in the office shall last for one year and can be renewable.

Article 29
The Controller controls:
• membership fee payments of each member
• activities of the Executive Committee to be aligned with the main aims of the association and with the WCFA Statute.
• WCFA General Assemblies and all other executive meetings to be called according to the law and WCFA documents
• proper and well-organized events and regular functioning of the Association.

Article 30
The controller makes a report to the General Assembly on an annual basis. The General Assembly discusses and votes the report.

11. Various

Article 31
The financial year shall begin on 1 January and end on 31 December of each year.

Article 32
Should the Association be dissolved, the available assets should be transferred to a non-profit organization pursuing public interest goals like those of the Association.

Article 33
The present Statute has been approved by the World Communications Forum Association General Assembly via online meeting real-time on platform Zoom 20 January 2022.

Signed by

Maxim Behar - WCFA President
Jessica Krusteva – WCFA Executive Secretary and Secretary of the Annual Meeting

January 20, 2022