Davos Communications Summit with BAPRA Bright Award

The Davos Online Communications Summit, launched by the World Communications Forum Association in Davos, won the prestigious BAPRA Bright Award in one of the most contested categories "Event or Launch" among numerous outstanding entries.
The Summit and its media partner, the leading Bulgarian PR agency M3 Communications Group, Inc., won the bronze prize and were recognized for excellence by a panel of international high-profile judges. The Awards are organized by the Bulgarian Association of PR Agencies (BAPRA) and are the most prominent recognition in the PR industry in Bulgaria.
The WCFA holds its Communications Summit every year and the professional team of M3 Communications Group, Inc. managed to get the best of the challenging situation caused by the pandemic and organized the event entirely online in two consecutive years – 2020 and 2021. Both events turned into a great success, attracting hundreds of people on Zoom and gathering prominent experts from all over the world who shape the future of communications.
“We are honored that our hard work was recognized for excellence by such great professionals and it’s important to acknowledge what a challenging time this is for us all. Of course, we couldn’t organize this award-winning global event without the help of the whole team of M3 Communications Group, Inc. who made it all possible!”, said Maxim Behar, President of the World Communications Forum Association and CEO of M3 Communications Group, Inc.
Among the professional jury at the BAPRA Bright Awards were Andrew Johnson, Andrey Barannikov, Barbara Bates, Christina Forsgård, Christophe Ginisty, Claudia Agafitei, Danijela Radinkovic, Dimitris Roulias, Dr. Enric Ordeix, Dr. Reto Wilhelm, Dr. Zehra Güngör, Francis Ingham and Jan Boman, just to name a few.