EIN Presswire Announced as Media Partner of WCFA

The World Communications Forum Association is proud to announce that EIN Presswire will be the official Media Partner to support its members, global activities and major events. The WCFA members will now have access to a free Pro+ feature set press release each year of their membership to spread their message, target industry leaders, journalists, newsrooms and government agencies worldwide.
EIN Presswire scans, indexes and surfaces news from more than 10,000 global publications and maintains hundreds of country specific newswires and covers several dozen of industry verticals. Leveraging these newswires, EIN Presswire commingles press releases into these newswires as well as provides syndication on dozens of third party news sites, distribution into Google News, Bloomberg Terminals, LexisNexis and direct mailings into thousands of editorial newsrooms worldwide.
The WCFA President Maxim Behar said: "Setting up a strong partnership between WCFA and EIN Presswire will add credibility to our joint efforts in contributing to the PR community worldwide. We aim to establish a closer connection and networking among professionals in the communications sector and bring mutually beneficial publicity and a win-win quality relationships."