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Global Touch - Fake News 2017

Global Touch - Fake News 2017

WCFA Global Touch | Fake News

2 events and 1 interview+coffee-chats: July-August, 2017
Locations: South Africa, Brazil, Netherlands, Moscow


July 3, 2017, Cape Town, South Africa

A critical discussion of Fake News in Our Time was held by the WCFA's member Solly Moeng on 3 July, 2017, at the University of Cape Town, South Africa. The discussion focused primarily on the following questions:

  • What is Fake Media and how is it relevant in our South African media environment?
  • How does it contribute to local socio-political discourse?
  • What are its dangers and how can they be avoided or fought?
  • What is your personal/organizational experience, if any, of Fake News?
  • Should Fake News be accepted as being here to stay or does it constitute a fad that will pass?
  • How can brand protect themselves from this phenomenon?

See the full report of the Fake News in Our Time discussion in South Africa (or just click on the image below).

June, 25, 2017
July and August: follow-up coffee-chatts in Brazil and Netherlands

An interview was also held yearlier in 2017 (June, 25) by the WCFA's Board Mmeber and Ambassador in Brazil, Flavio Oliveira, and published in his blog "globalpublicrelations". The interview was followed by non-formal meetings over a cup of coffee with students and communications experts from Brazil and the Netherlands.

The interview was held in cooperation with the World Communication Forum's Series "Global PR Leaders" feauring Jimmy Leach - a popular UK journalisit, who also runs a consultancy, Zinzan Digital, providing communications, change and delivery strategies for heads of state, blue chip corporates, start-ups, NGOs, and individuals.

Jimmy Leach: "... there has always been an objective version of the truth, often held by authority. So 'the truth' used to be what the king said was the truth. Or what the scribes said was true - those who write the history are the ones who own the 'truth'. But there have always been challenges to that - they might have been described as heretics, or revolutionaries, but they were simply challenging the accepted view of events..."

To understand more about fake news, enjoy reading the whole article (or just clik on the image below).

Discussion on Fake News
August 15, 2017, Moscow, Russia

Global Touch event in Russia dedicated to Fake News. Presentation used as a base: HERE
Announcement of the event: here.
The discussion docused on the crucial responsibility of today's usage of the socilamedia channels and the adequate interpretation of various news emitted in the media space globally.